Friday, July 18, 2014

Classification of Annelida

                    PHYLUM ANNELIDA
(NOTE: Classification with reference to Ruppert and Barnes 6th edition 1994)

Diagnostic Features:

  •        Body Triploblastic, Vermiform and Bilaterally Symmetrical. They possess Metamerism.  
  •       Closed Circulatory system present.
  •    Digestive system complete, comprises of a muscular gut with mouth and anus.
  •   Excretory system with pairs of Nephridia arranged in each metamere.
  •   Sexes separate or hermaphrodite, Development via Free swimming Trocophore larvae.


                                  Phylum Annelida
·       Class Polychaeta
·       Class Oligochaeta
·       Class Hirudinea

Class Polychaeta

  •    Predominantly Marine, with Errant type and sedentary type. Errant type    can do burrowing, swimming, crawling and tube dwelling. But sedentary type can do burrowing and tube dwelling only.
  •    Head distinct, bearing head, tentacle, sirri and palps.
  •   Pharynx with teeth or jaws (in errant type), Pharynx without teeth (in sedentary type).  
  •    They have great power of regeneration, they can regenerate any part of the body including tentacle and even head.
  •       Mostly Dioceous but some are hermaphrodite. Gonads escape by the rupturing of the body or through nephridia.
  •     Development indirect via trocophore larvae that undergo metamorphosis.

·                                                    Eg- Nereis sp, Aphrodite sp, Sebella sp, Cheatopterus sp

Class Oligochaeta

  •   Mostly terrestrial, but some are fresh water forms.
  •   Head indistinct, Prostomium either small rounded lobe or cone, appendages absent.
  • Body segments without parapodia, instead setal sacs are present which assists in locomotion
  •   Asexual reproduction by spontaneous fission (Schizogenesis).
  •  Development direct without larval stage.

Eg- Tubifex sp, Megascolex sp, Pheretima sp, Lumbricus sp, Metaphire sp

Class Hirudinea

  •  Habitat- marine, fresh water and terrestrial forms.
  •  Body dorsoventrally flattened body with fixed 33 segments.
  •     Body with 2 suckers- (1) Posterior large powerful sucker and (2) Anterior small sucker.
  • Absence of Setae, Parapodia and tentacle.
  • Hermaphrodite, several pairs of testis present, one pair of ovary present and one genital opening. 
  •      Development direct without larval stage. 

·    Eg- Hirudo sp, Dina sp, Acanthobdella sp, Panthobdella sp, Hirudinaria sp

 Hope it helped you..... :)


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